Meet 13

Number of the meeting task

Topic of the meeting


Vocabulary Usage (New vocabulary words or phrase encountered during the session material)

Vocabulary Usage (New vocabulary words or phrase encountered during the session material)


Meet 13

A Model of Editorial Writing and the Review

Lecturer’s note

Perpetrated (dilakukan, verb

past tense: perpetrated; past participle: perpetrated

carry out or commit (a harmful, illegal, or immoral action).



The crime was perpetrated yesterday.

Past participle




Adverse (bermusuhan), adjective

preventing success or development; harmful; unfavorable.


The second wave of the pandemic had more adverse effects on the economy.

Comparative and Superlative




Rein (kendali), noun, a long, narrow strap attached at one end to a horse's bit, typically used in pairs to guide or check a horse while riding or driving.

The rider gently pulled on the reins to signal the horse to stop

Noun form



Embarking on the exploration of "A Model of Editorial Writing and the Review" has provided me with valuable insights into the structured approach required for crafting impactful editorials. The study of this model has deepened my understanding of the essential components involved in editorial writing, from the formulation of a clear stance to the strategic use of persuasive language. The inclusion of the review aspect has underscored the iterative nature of the editorial process, emphasizing the importance of critical evaluation and refinement. This exploration has not only refined my editorial writing skills but has also heightened my awareness of the influential role that editorials play in shaping public opinion.


The model presented in "A Model of Editorial Writing and the Review" offers a systematic and insightful guide to crafting effective editorials. It outlines key components such as developing a clear stance, employing persuasive language, and integrating the review process. The inclusion of the review aspect emphasizes the ongoing refinement needed to produce high-quality editorials. By providing a comprehensive framework, this model equips writers with the tools necessary to navigate the complexities of editorial writing. It not only serves as a practical guide for aspiring editorial writers but also highlights the dynamic and influential nature of editorials in contributing to public discourse.


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